Logo by Richard O'Connor in 1984 with stupa and Chinese characters.

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EXERCISE:                              Seminars & Zen Lectures                      SHAOLIN CHI MANTIS

Shaolin Chi Mantis
SEMINARS Headlines

Push Hands Seminars  (Tai Chi Pushing Hands)
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Tai Chi Seminars
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SPACERPush Hands Seminars  (Tai Chi Pushing Hands)

Select Seminar
to Attend:

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Push Hands Seminar
First Weekend of July


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Push Hands
2nd Weekend of July


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Push Hands
First TWO July Weekends


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ALL Push Hands
July Seminars
Summer Push Hands Tournament
4th July Weekend


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Push Hands Seminar
1st September Weekend


SCM Push Hands
Push Hands
2nd September Weekend


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ALL Push Hands
September Seminars
SCM California Push Hands Championship Tournament Registration


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Buddha Kung Fu
Shaolin Chi Mantis
and Tai Chi Youth
Annual Chinese Gongfu and Taijiquan Tournament
Weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving


Each seminar teaches the basics of Push Hands.

To avoid unnecessary problems and make all matches more efficient and enjoyable, ALL COMPETITORS must be APPROVED before competing in our TOURNAMENTS.

If you are experienced in Kung Fu and Push Hands, email our Tournament Director for approval BEFORE the tournament.

Pushing Hands

Although our SCM & TCY Annual Chinese Gongfu and Taijiquan Tournaments only allow Kung Fu and Tai Chi practitioners to compete, the SCM Push Hands Tournaments are OPEN TO ALL MARTIAL ARTS stylists, even Karate...

Despite any Karate Black Belt's experience, they will be required to attend a Push Hands Seminar before being registered in one of our Push Hands Tournaments. This is for your benefit also, since we want each competitor to do their best -- and you can't do your best if you don't even know the rules...

Shaolin Chi Mantis and Tai Chi Youth, utilize STATIONARY PUSH HANDS rules that only require one person to LIFT ONE FOOT OFF THE GROUND = Opponent's point.

Our simple rules that rely on your Tai Chi skills of balance and flexibility have not resulted in a single injury since 1984. A dramatic contrast from the dozens of Karate tournaments I have attended and judged at which average at least 3 serious injuries per every tournament.

Push Hands of Shaolin Chi Mantis

ALL registrations include FREE JUDGING SEMINAR during the same month.

This year's dates for our FREE Judging Seminars are updated at BuddhaKungFu.com

If you are a Tai Chi student, come test your skills and learn some new tricks.

If you are new to all martial arts, enjoy the safest way to compete with someone and learn some balance and self-defense techniques useful to anyone.

Tai Chi Chin Na Qin Na

If you are a Karate stylist, expand your awareness and abilities by learning Push Hands. More similar to Judo, and Aikido, Tai Chi Push Hands employs the softness of water and sometimes the force of a waterfall. You'll be glad you attended.

Tournament Registration >>
Tournament Rules and Belt Ranking Information >>
Events of shaolinCOM.com >>
(includes SCM & TCY events)


SPACERTai Chi Seminars  (Taijiquan)

Select Seminar to Attend:

Zhen Ming Mou of Shaolin Chi Mantis
3rd Weekend of each April
Beginner Tai Chi


Kids Tai Chi with Master Zhen
1st August Weekend =
Combat Taiji


Buddha Zhen with Shaolin Monk Spade
2nd August Weekend =
Tai Chi Staff


SCM Pushing Hands
3rd August Weekend =
Tournament Tai Chi


Buddha Zhen at Gil Gardens, Utah
4th August Weekend
Tai Chi Qigong


Buddha Zhen at Gil Gardens, Utah
ALL 4 August Seminars:
  Combat Taiji
  Tai Chi Staff
  Tournament Tai Chi
  Taiji Qigong


Yang Style Tai Chi of Shaolin Chi Mantis.

Buddha Zhen sent videos of his Yang Taijiquan Short Form all over the world in 1992 and 1993. The comments and feedback were helpful and surprising.

Buddha Zhen earned the nickname "Shaolin Tai Chi Master."

Shaolin Tai Chi Master Zhen Shen-Lang

Perhaps a couple of other schools thought this to be a criticism of our COMBAT ORIENTED style of Tai Chi. Some schools thought that Buddha Zhen had received SECRET TRANSMISSIONS from the Yang family to make our Shaolin Chi Mantis Tai Chi so powerful and combat effective. This led many schools to refer to our style of Tai Chi as "KWANGPING" or "Kwanping..."

SCM and TCY utilize Stationary Push Hands rules to develop the Tai Chi skills of our students.

With no punching or kicking involved, no injuries have occurred in Shaolin Chi Mantis or Tai Chi Youth Push Hands classes or tournaments in 15 years.

Shaolin Chi Mantis Push Hands

The first person to lift a foot loses a point to the opponent. The most points wins.

All ages enjoy Push Hands from 5 to 65. The added contact and interaction between students is also beneficial. Sportsmanship, sensitivity, and compassion are all byproducts of our Tai Chi programs.

This seminar will teach the basics, familiarize you with tournament rules, and start you on your new path of pushing people around--politely.

Tournament Registration >>
Tournament Rules / Belt Ranking Information >>
Events of SCM >>

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