Logo by Richard O'Connor in 1984 with stupa and Chinese characters.

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HISTORY          of Shaolin Records                       SHAOLIN  RECORDS

Historic Headlines

Triple Trilogy
of American Zen
3 albums + 3 books
PLUS 3 podcasts
  brief story...
Shaolin Music Website Unfolding
  brief story...
Kung Fu Cowboy PART 1
  brief story...
"Peace Of Mind 2"
music video by Karahadian
  brief story...
Kung Fu Cowboy
  brief story...
"Great Salt Lake"
music video by Karahadian
  brief story...
Buddha Zhen's album: TAI CHI MAGIC 1
  brief story...
The Coyote Poetry Podcast
"Dharma And A Song"
  brief story...
Sid's Place
novel by THCoyote
  brief story...
American Zen
Buddhist Rock Podcast
  brief story...
Level 2 = Christ Killer
Psychedelic Folk Rock
  brief story...
Folk Rock Podcast
of Shaolin Records
Hosted by The Coyote
  brief story...
Utah - Phase 1
Poetry Book by Coyote
  brief story...
Level 1 = Peace Of Mind
Folk Rock Music Album
  brief story...
Autumn Flavours
Poetry Book by Coyote
  brief story...

Shaolin Records
First Vinyl Record Release 1984
  full story...

Coyote's Story of
Life in Utah = LEVEL 1
  full story...


Triple Trilogy of American Zen
3 Albums + 3 Books + 3 Podcasts


    For only $33.30 you get:
 The FIRST THREE albums by American Zen.
(Album 4 is being recorded now at Shaolin Records in Montrose, California.)

The first level of American Zen Buddhism to Nirvana
Christ Killer Album cover FOLDOUT
LEVEL 3 album cover
LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind
American Zen's FIRST LEVEL
starts with moving to Utah.
LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer
Recorded in Utah.
"Best Flute Player in Utah"
LEVEL 3 = I Want You
To Love Me
Coyote's Tujunga love.

PLUS you also receive in the same 359MB Download:
The first three BOOKS by The Hippy Coyote of American Zen.  

  Autumn Flavours poetry book cover Book cover of UTAH PHASE 1 Get your acid taste of the flower power years  
  Autumn Flavours
First book of poetry book series:
Dark, curious, vicarious.
Utah Phase 1
Poetry book of Utah Poetry and lyrics from LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2
Coyote's personal notebook.
Sid's Place
Coyote's first and only novel about a drug runner in 1969 California.

PLUS you also receive:
One Podcast from each of Coyote's 3 different series of podcasts:

American Zen Buddhist Rock Podcast WEB BLOG of The Coyote Poetry Podcast Best and brightest of today's Folk Rock Artists.  
American Zen
Buddhist Rock Podcast
at   Coyote Radio .NET

Coyote leads website tours of American Zen stories and adventures. This series includes the "actZEN.com evolution" of
The Coyote to The Hippy Coyote, Richard O'Connor back to Richard Del Connor, and Master Zhen to Buddha Zhen. As a "guinea pig" of the actZEN.com Buddhist self-help website, Coyote proved that this is a life changing website.
The Coyote Poetry Podcast
"Poem And A Song"

Coyote reads one poem and plays one song. Sometimes they are from albums, and sometimes freshly written...
Folk Rock Podcast of
Shaolin Records

The Hippy Coyote of American Zen
HOSTS this radio show featuring the
"Best and Brightest of today's Folk Rock Artists from around the world."
Includes several podcasts of
American Zen including this podcast with recordings from Coyote's 1974 band, LOTUS.

Triple Trilogy of American Zen

Download them all now in one 359MB compressed file.
for ONLY  $33.30
 (limited time offer discount)

Check out the American Zen T-Shirts at CafePress.com


Shaolin Music Website Unfolding

Shaolin Music HOMEPAGE
Started in 1999, Richard Del Connor....

LEVEL 4 = Kung Fu Cowboy PART 1

coyote on bass
Originally begun with 36 songs...

YouTube Video:
"Peace Of Mind 2"

Coyote Flying

Directed by Scott Karahadian and shot in Jarrod's garage...

poetry book:

Handwritten Coyote Calligraphy

Handwritten poetry book is the ROUGH DRAFT of the KUNG FU COWBOY book associated with the American Zen album, LEVEL 4 = KUNG FU COWBOY.

See the Coyote mind at work.

YouTube Video:
"Great Salt Lake" LIVE

LIVE Coyote
At the end of the Christmas videotaping sessions..

Buddha Zhen's album: TAI CHI MAGIC 1

Dharma And A Song

Songs for Tai Chi practice, meditation, and performing Kung Fu.

From the solo flute of, "Boundless Space," to the Kung Fu drums of, "Inner Will," this album was composed by Buddha Zhen who performed most of the instruments.

Several members of American Zen are credited with bass, and drums on this album of songs that have been played on many stages since 1994.

"Dharma And A Song" at The Coyote Poetry Podcast

Dharma And A Song

One lesson and one song...

Sid's Place Novel Needed New Lyrics

Sex, Drugs and rock'n'roll--really

The original drafts of SID'S PLACE included lyrics of songs that Coyote listened to in the late sixties, as they played in the background of his life and subsequently into the background of the his novel, SID'S PLACE, about a drug runner in 1969 Southern California.

American Zen Buddhist Rock Podcast at CoyoteRADIO.net

Voice of The Coyote

America's first Buddhist rock band, American Zen, ...

LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer is 23 Rracks by The Hippy Coyote

CD COVER folded open


In a bold move, Coyote has taken the poetry of LEVEL 2 and interspersed it within the songs of the LEVEL 2 album...

Folk Rock Podcast of Shaolin Records

The best and brightest of modern folk rock

The FOLK ROCK PODCAST of SHAOLIN RECORDS features the "Best and brightest of today's folk rock artists."

Many shows feature The Hippy Coyote and his band, American Zen.

Other shows include: Dennis Logan, David Courtenay, Stacy K, JoAnna, Michelle Mangione...

All shows are hosted by The Hippy Coyote.

Utah Phase 1 Poetry Book by Coyote

Book Cover UTAH Poetry

The lyric sheets used by Coyote to record the LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2 albums of American Zen are included in these scanned pages of Coyote's notebook of lyrics and poetry...

is 22 Tracks by The Coyote

Which way did he go

Recorded on a 4-track recorder in Utah...

Autumn Flavours Poetry Book

Coyote in Wolf's Clothing

This is the first of four books of poetry comprising the SEASON OF FOURS, poetry book compilation.

Shaolin Music Relocates to Salt Lake City, Utah

Parking Ming


Coyote in Turtle Mode

In an effort to capitalize on the movie industry in Utah, and the promised club bookings of Michelle McCarty, the O'Connor family, Coyote, and Shaolin Records pack up for the Rocky Mountains.

Michelle McCarty has been booking Coyote in nightclubs around Los Angeles. Former booking agent, Greg Berutto, became the agent of Coyote after seeing a performance of the Coyote in A Graveyard rock opera at Madame Wong's West in 1985.

English Composer Andrew Stevens Signed to Shaolin Music

Shaolin Records Buddhist Business

Andrew Stevens, a talented songwriter of the group ANK...

Composer Coyote Receives ASCAP Pop Award

Burning Coyote

Coyote's many concerts and performances during the 1990s earned him many Pop Music Awards from ASCAP.

"Backseat Love" and "Show Girls"
Songs Licensed to Movie: FOR SALE

Tai Mantis Federation Dog

Coyote's neighbor was starring in a low budget movie, FOR SALE, about a teenage drug abuser with a drinking problem...

I think it was financed by Christian coalitions as an anti-drug movie.

I went to the screening and realized it wouldn't make it as a theatrical release. I hope it did well for them. The producers were marketing it through their worldwide Christian organizations as a video release.

New World Pictures Transforms Rock Opera to Screenplay

Original poetry book cover

When personnel from some record companies were hired by New World Pictures, one of them recommended the rock opera being performed by The Coyote.

Shaolin Records Produces Soundtrack to Rock Opera:
Coyote In A Graveyard

Cassette Single 1989

Using studio "down time" at Cherokee Studios, the rock opera, Coyote In A Graveyard, was recorded in one 14 hour recording session by The Coyote on acoustic guitar, Bruce Candelaria on drums, and Scott Hitchings on keyboards. Coyote then cut the electric bass on many of the songs of the 24-track 2" tape record album.

Michael J. Fox Joins Rock Opera, Coyote Graveyard

Live at Madame Wong's West 1984

Borrowing the Fender Telecaster guitar of the Coyote In A Graveyard rock opera lead guitarist, Michael J. Fox, joined with Richard Del Connor, The Hippy Coyote, Scott Hitchings, and Bruce Candelaria, onstage at Madame Wong's West to perform the song, "Johnny B. Goode."

Songs Licensed to Rock Opera,
Coyote In A Graveyard and UCLA

Coyote Graveyard 1982

In 1983, Richard O'Connor lived out of his van for the entire year, saving enough money to release his first 12" Vinyl Album, "Temptation," in 1984.

Shaolin Records
First Vinyl Record Release 1984

Vinyl EP Album Cover

In 1983, Richard O'Connor lived out of his van for the entire year, saving enough money to release his first 12" Vinyl Album, Temptation, in 1984.

I had recently finished designing and building FUTURE DISC MASTERING LABS in Hollywood, California. From 1975 to 1985 I specialized in customized cabinetry and remodeling for recording studios in southern Caliornia. I built speaker cabinets, consoles, rack mounts...My engineer "lost" one of our 1/2" mix masters at Capitol Records, so we had to scramble and EQ another master of the song, "We're Not Working Out," at Future Disc.

During the 1980s and 1990s Shaolin Records mostly manufactured cassettes. We promoted and sold to college audiences. Our record distributor went out-of-business and we lost money and product. We still have a few of those first vinyl record pressings from 1984. I'm saving them for auctions now.

Cassingle by Coyote, ITS YOUR SHADOW

The cassingle, "It's Your Shadow," did well in College Radio.

The soundtrack, "Coyote In A Graveyard," was mixed and ready for Spielberg at Soundcastle Studios. Engineer Darrin Prindle did a great job final tracking and mixing this rock opera.

Then Coyote left for Utah.

The flyer from Coyote In A Graveyard ROCK OPERAS was transformed for Coyote's Utah purposes.

This first year became the inspiration for Coyote's first album, LEVEL 1 = PEACE OF MIND with 11 songs and 11 poems.

Coyote's Story of Life in Utah = LEVEL 1

Christ Killer album coverThe next year was worse but Coyote was older and wiser.

The flute playing has grown incredibly. Is Coyote the best flute player in the world?

"Ties suit -- the Christ killer..." from CHRIST KILLER by T. H. Coyote

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Shaolin Communications logo by Richard O'Connor 1984.           About Us   |  Home   |  Privacy Policy   |  Contact Us   |  © 2006 shaolinMUSIC.com   All rights reserved.
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