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Romantic Life of The Hippy Coyote            by  The Hippy Coyote             of  AMERICAN ZEN

American Zen
HeadlinesAmerican Zen calligraphy LOGO by Buddha Zhen

Romance Is Back
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Coyote's Lusty View of Love
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Coyote Seeks Romantic Inspiration
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4-Track Love Songs
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Coyote Romantic Podcasting
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Romantic Life of The Hippy Coyote

Album cover LEVEL 3Love Triangle

American Zen's 2010 release of LEVEL 4 = KUNG FU COWBOY has taken American Zen in a new direction--3,000 years into the past.

Coyote's own love life was rearranged slightly to tell the story of Hiram Abif, who was murdered by a 2nd Degree Mason named Jubilum.

"Hiram Abif" and Jubilum both loved the same woman which was probably a factor in the murder.

This is PART 1 of the KUNG FU COWBOY album series. PART 2 is already recorded except for some flute solos...

Coyote performed ALL INSTRUMENTS and sang ALL VOCALS on this album.
14 songs + 4 poems.

Download the entire album for only $8.88


Coyote sings in recording studio with ruffled shirt.Romance Is Back


"1,000 Sorrows For A Love," is very romantic and sensual.

"In Line," is hopeful romantic love.

"I Just Want To Be With You," details what Coyote is looking for in a mate.

"I Want You To Love Me," is sexy and nasty.

"Musical Woman," is nasty...

Album cover LEVEL 3There's a lotta love on this album.

Download entire album for only $8.88

11 songs plus 12 bass poems.


Coyote's Lusty View of Love

It's too easy to be lustful.

Anyone can pant and moan.

Being in love though-- that's different.

I'm not sure about the 'true love' thing or the 'soul mate' concept, but I think we are all looking for someone, and maybe it's not finding that person, as much as what happens when you're looking -- that counts.


Coyote Seeks Romantic Inspiration

by The HAPPY HIPPY Coyote

My life has always had direction and purpose, but the path I end up on is usually being steered by a girl.

With so many projects and creative activities in my life, it's nice to have someone make sure I go to a movie or watch a sunset holding hands...

I'm going to be MUCH choosier/picky/pickier somehow. I need a woman who can see me as a King. Yeah, that sounds impossible. But I have a new concept. I believe that the obedience of the wife determines the obedience of the children. Plus, I've almost always given control over to my women as much as possible in the past, and that has ALWAYS appeared to be part of the downfall of each relationship.

Women want power, but when you give it to them, they abuse it, misuse it, and then use it against me. It would appear that my life is like driving a car. Every time I turn the steering wheel over to my mate, she crashes the car, makes me pay for it and dumps me while it's in the shop.

So, I need a woman, who WANTS me to drive our car.
I need a woman who WANTS to obey me.
I need a woman who ENJOYS being my partner.
I need a woman who is CONTENT with whatever we have and doesn't have her father telling me, "I think you're a nice guy but you don't make enough money."


4-Track Love Songs

The first album, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind, was recorded entirely on a 4-track recorded in Utah. This gave a nice analog recording quality to the songs, perhaps making them more romantic?

LOVE SONGS on LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind:

ROMANTIC POEMS on LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind:

"Trust Me" is xxxxxxxx

"Simple Lady" is xxxxxxxx

"Thank You" is xxxxxxx

"Get Out Of My Dream" is xxxxxxx

"My Woman Is My Wife" is xxxxxxxxxx


Coyote Romantic Podcasting
Coyote Podcast Logoby Richard Connor



ROMANTIC Songs & Poetry

5th South    Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote       
Christ Killer CD album cover by American Zen


Coyote wrote this lovely long song about his home on 500 South Street in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Pretty flute melodies and rich acoustic guitar passages lead a haunting hopeful journey through the many events Coyote endured in his humble 2nd story apartment.

The only song I can think to compare this to is, "Since I've Been Lovin' You," by Led Zepellin. Yes I know, but Coyote plays flute similar to Jimmy Page's guitar style.

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The End The Horizon  Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote       
Christ Killer CD album cover by American Zen


This song is THE END of LEVEL 2 of American Zen's Buddhist Journey.

Check out the development through the lyrics. He's gone from an adult getting ripped off TO trying to understand his opponent TO reliving his childhood and singing of its' glories and wonders. Man to child.

Get Out Of My Dream  Poetry Author & Narrator: The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind


Coyote said this girl had broken up with him, but kept visiting him until his new girlfriend chased her away.

(Too bad. She and I couldn't get along but we sure did get along. She knew how to get what she wanted from me.)

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Great Salt Lake      Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote       
Christ Killer CD album cover by American Zen


First song from the second album by American Zen, LEVEL 2 = CHRIST KILLER. Features The Coyote leading this INSTRUMENTAL SONG on FLUTES and ACOUSTIC GUITARS.

A happy bouncy song similar to Jethro Tull, written by The Coyote. This song was recorded in Utah, but record producer, Richard O'Connor decided to start this song from scratch and rerecord it in Tujunga, California.

Wow! American Zen has a brand new sound that inspires a smile.

Similar to artists: Jethro Tull, hmmm -- has anybody out there heard someone similar to this song?

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I Know           Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote       
Christ Killer CD album cover by American Zen


A classic rock / folk rock troubadour song depicting Coyote's new awareness of himself, inspired by an old girlfriend calling him on the phone.

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In The Darkness                Music & Lyrics by The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind 


Coyote says this song doesn't have any romantic intentions, "...but it's great background music for sex!"

Give it a try.

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Just For You                 Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote       
Christ Killer CD album cover by American Zen


Slightly sad romantic ballad with hope and effort to improve a partner's life and help them defeat the demons of their past.

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Last Year                 Poetry Author & Narrator: The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind   


More poems about kids?

A Long Way Home             Music & Lyrics by The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind


Psychedelic rock song telling the story of a trip to a San Diego beach. Coyote's howl at the end depicts his heartfelt longing to be back in California, far from the Mormons.

(Did you know that San Diego is the end of the Mormon Trail? They created a line of settlements from Salt Lake City to San Diego, the Mormon harbor.)

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My Woman Is My Wife  Poetry Author & Narrator: The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind


Coyote claims that marriage is a chance to have sex every day.
(That's not what that means. It means that marriages should remove all the taboos and boundaries until you're left with whatever you want.)

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Nurturing Your Life         Poetry Author & Narrator: The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind


Coyote seems to be giving a lot of thoughts to kids.
(You can't live in Utah without realizing they are a baby business. Their state logo is a beehive. They encourage lots of kids and they EXPECT every one of them to be a Mormon and give 15% of their income DIRECTLY TO THE CHURCH of Latter Day Saints.)

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Peace Of Mind #1     Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote       
Christ Killer CD album cover by American Zen


Although this song, "Peace Of Mind," was the first song written after Coyote moved to Utah, American Zen recorded it again, last year in Tujunga, California, and added to Coyote's second album. This battle to survive a harsh winter, being evicted, living out off his van with his cat... was only the beginning of his troubles. The Mormons didn't know he was here yet.

The two albums, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind, and LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer, combine into a rock opera depicting The Hippy Coyote's battles with Mormons.

This bluesy acoustic guitar song has some heavenly vocals added by his zen buddies of American Zen. Nice acoustic guitar solo.

Similar to artists: Arlo Guthrie, Donovan, James Taylor, Beach Boys

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Peace Of Mind #2                 Music & Lyrics by The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind


Folk rock song story of a San Diego beach trip by Coyote. Coyote's 'nickel passport' is his flute. He's rigged up some way of strapping it to his Levi belt loops so it is like a gun holster. T Rex's Marc Bolin could have written this. This song was written after the LEVEL 1 album was completed, to replace the original version, "Peace Of Mind," which will be on the second album, LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer.
(I like this song better.)

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Simple Lady                       Music & Lyrics by The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind


Coyote, stranded in Utah, thinking of someone who...
(This is a perfect example of why I can't tell anyone who this is about. It's romantic but perhaps embarrasing to the person I adore.)

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Spring Rain                            Poetry Author & Narrator: The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind


A quaint look at a spring downpour.
(Quaint? I'm not quaint. I would like to write poetry more often. I've probably not written my best poems that I wrote, but didn't write down... I've gotta get in the habit of carrying pen and paper more often. I'll remember, 'oh what was that cool riff I had at my head at the store. I've written a few songs driving in my car.)

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Thank You                          Music & Lyrics by The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind


A pounding folk rock song that sounds like early David Bowie.
(I think I should've let Rory put a blasting grunge on it. I was hoping for a thunderous acoustic sound by recording the acoustic guitars in stereo. You tell me, "did it work?")

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Trust Me                             Music & Lyrics by The Coyote
CD by American Zen, LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind  


A jingle composer, David Shields, challenged Coyote to write this song. Coyote waited until he was inspired by his newspaper delivery girl, Tina, before writing this song.
"I had to feel it before I'd even try to write it," explains our Cary Grant acting singer-songwriter.
(I know that movie, 'His Girl Friday,' or something like that. I'd like to argue with a girl like that girl in the movie. She was witty, sharp, fast, tough... hey, is that what I need in a woman? Hmm. Sharp - witty - fast and tough. Gotta get good manners in there somewhere though. The minute a girl barks at me, this dog is out the door.)

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Shaolin Communications logo by Richard O'Connor 1984.

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