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SPIRITUAL  STUFF               by  The Hippy Coyote             of  AMERICAN ZEN

American Zen
HeadlinesAmerican Zen calligraphy LOGO by Buddha Zhen

Spirit Wolf of Truth:
Coyote on LEVEL 4 Spiritual Plane
  full story...

Triple Trilogy of American Zen:
3 Albums + 3 Books + 3 Podcasts

  full story...

Third Album of Enlightenment
  full story...

My Spiritual Life
  full story...

Spiritual Living In Utah
  full story...

Coyote's Altar Boy Aspirations
  full story...

Recorded 4-track = 4 Spirits
  full story...

Coyote Spiritual Podcasting
  full story...

Spirit Wolf of Truth

Coyote on LEVEL 4 Spiritual Plane

This Supersoul 13 was written in 2013 as I was packaging the Kung Fu Cowboy Rock & Roll Movie 1 and writing the American Zen album, END OF THE LINE.

Mostly, I realized that every human has two souls, not just one. One soul gives us a life-long reference to purity and Godliness. The other soul is our own to...

This book is based upon 4,000 year old Vedic scriptures.


Triple Trilogy of American Zen
3 Albums + 3 Books + 3 Podcasts


    For only $33.30 you get:
 The FIRST THREE albums by American Zen.
(Album 4 is being recorded now at Shaolin Records in Montrose, California.)

Fold out Album Cover of I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME
Christ Killer Album cover FOLDOUT
LEVEL 3 album cover
LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind
American Zen's FIRST LEVEL
starts with moving to Utah.

PLUS you also receive in the same 359MB Download:
The first three BOOKS by The Hippy Coyote of American Zen.

  Autumn Flavours poetry book cover Book cover of UTAH PHASE 1 Get your acid taste of the flower power years  
  Autumn Flavours
First book of poetry book series:
Dark, curious, vicarious.
Utah Phase 1
Poetry book of Utah Poetry and lyrics from LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2
from Coyote's personal notebook.
Sid's Place
Coyote's first and only novel about a drug runner in 1969 California.

PLUS you also receive:
One Podcast from each of Coyote's 3 different series of podcasts:

American Zen Buddhist Rock Podcast WEB BLOG of The Coyote Poetry Podcast Best and brightest of today's Folk Rock Artists.  
American Zen
Buddhist Rock Podcast
at   Coyote Radio .NET

Coyote leads website tours of American Zen stories and adventures. This series includes the " evolution" of The Coyote to The Hippy Coyote, Richard O'Connor back to Richard Del Connor, and Master Zhen to Buddha Zhen. As a "guinea pig" of the Buddhist self-help website, Coyote proved that is a life changing website.
The Coyote Poetry Podcast
"Poem And A Song"

Coyote reads one poem and plays one song. Sometimes they are from albums, and sometimes freshly written...
Folk Rock Podcast of
Shaolin Records

The Hippy Coyote of American Zen
HOSTS this radio show featuring the
"Best and Brightest of today's Folk Rock Artists from around the world."
Includes several podcasts of American Zen including this podcast with recordings from Coyote's 1974 band,

Triple Trilogy of American Zen

Download them all now
in one 359MB compressed file.
for ONLY  $33.30

Check out the American Zen T-Shirts at

Third Album of Enlightenment
By American Zen = I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME


Sex and spirituality?

Religions have proven that celibacy does not promote harmony. The isolation and lack of relationships can make peace easier to attain, but it's a cowardly way of living life.

Everyone should be celibate, when it's practical, and romantic when practical. Forcing love and forcing celibacy don't work.

As a Master Mason said to me, "All things in their own time."

Includes Coyote's newly invented, "BASS POETRY." All the poems on this record include Coyote's Rickenbacker 4000 bass in the background, sometimes playing in trios of harmony.

Album Cover, Music, Lyrics, Photography, Poetry, and Narrations by The Hippy Coyote.

Download the entire album now of 11 songs plus 12 poems.



My Spiritual Life   Coyote logging journal.The Hippy Coyote LOGO

by The Hippy Coyote


I died on Christmas eve.

Really. I died.

In my mother's arms.

My head was on her lap as her husband sped us towards a hospital. I stopped breathing.

My heart probably never stopped beating. So maybe I was never technically dead -- but it felt fuzzy, blurry, yet clear and distinct.

I had a sense of humor, but I couldn't breathe.

I didn't want to die. Even though it seemed like I was dead or dying, I...

Anyway, I mention this because sometimes I try to ignite some spark of spirituality within me. Usually, I seem to be most spiritual when I'm appreciative of life itself.

The truth is, I don't ever 'try' to do anything spiritual. I've lived a helpful and spiritual life for so many years that it is natural to me. Some say it's a fault...

My spiritual life is... (Level 1 is detailed in 20 podcasts at

My spiritual songs... Shaolin Records "Meditation Music"

Also, check out my FLUTE SONGS and ROMANTIC MUSIC...


Spiritual Living In Utah

The Hippy Coyote LOGOby The Hippy Coyote

Utah's Mormons 'forced' me to become a Buddhist.

I used to have such an open mind about religion that I started converting two times for two different Jewish fiancees and went to Catholic church with Raquel... (We used to see Ricardo Montalbaum and... in church each Sunday.)

While living in Utah I sniffed out their Mormon religion. I had plenty of offers to join.

My first acting agent in Salt Lake City, got me several commercials to tease me -- then said If I wanted any more work, I should, "...come to Temple." That's what they call going to church. So I got another acting agent. I got some more movie backgrounds, a kissing scene in this one movie (that was fun to rehearse) but then when I came up for the role of a Mormon in one of their TV commercials -- that's when I dead-ended again.

I don't begrudge the many friends I had who were forced to turn their back on me or face financial losses. After all, I'm here in California now, and they are still there dealing with the Mormons. Oh well.

The only reasons I would have joined the Mormons would have been entirely selfish. I would have taken advantage of their resources, talent pool, and got some better gigs and contracts. That's what makes the Mormons so successful. They really do help each other.

Most of my Utah friends were Mormons and some told me the stories and reasons for being Latter Day Saints. It wasn't unusual to hear how Mormon business connections were associated with success...

Unfortunately, they have the power to destroy careers as easily as they can make them. Hmmm. Am I safe in Tujunga? I sure hope they don't turn the squirrels against me!


Coyote's Altar Boy Aspirations

Patrol Boy Coyote (preHippy)The Hippy Coyote LOGOby T. H. Coyote

I kinda wanted to be.

I was already the guy who raised the flag in the morning when the whole school gathered for the "Pledge Of Allegiance," and I took down the flag each day and neatly folded into a little triangle, military style.

So ceremony was normal to me. I question it now. I didn't question it then.

Maybe I would've been an altar boy if I hadn't gotten into so much trouble during my early teens. Or maybe I wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble if I would have been an altar boy...

I probably should've been a priest.

My favorite Priest was Monsignor Boothe at the San Diego De Alcala Mission, founded in 1769. He was really good looking, in good shape, friendly, always smiling, and his sermons were more fun to listen to than anyone else's.

Of course, back then, the sermons were still in Latin, so that can be really boring, when you don't speak Latin. But Monsignor booth made it interesting with his charisma and cool looking purple or blue robes. Even when he spoke Latin my mind would be calm and comfortable. I seem to recollect my eyes wandering over every inch of the interior of that church...

I probably would've done what he did though. He eventually quit the church so he could run away with the church secretary. I hope it worked out well for him. He deserved to be happy.


Recorded 4-Track = 4 Spirits

by Richard Connor

Perhaps one of the 'powers' of American Zen, is their unique blend of spirits.

Anytime you mix anything together, it's uncertain what you'll get. Especially true for American Zen.

Christ Killer Album Cover by American Zen

That is the beauty of the first album. Each bandmember got their own space, equally. Now that we have 32 tracks, it's impossible to predict who gets how many tracks...

For the album LEVEL 2 = CHRIST KILLER, I had the singers sing a variety of techniques. I've been repurchasing a lot of my favorite vinyl records in CD form. I'm in heaven.

I have been respecting the daring and bold techniques people were doing with stereo back in the sixties. So that's where I'm coming from. Reality be damned! The world of music is the world of opportunity!


    Coyote Spiritual Podcasting

Coyote Podcast Logoby Richard Connor

The American Zen Buddhist Rock Podcast

Coyote discusses life, God, and a Hebrew named Jesus.

We just finished the LEVEL 1 series of podcasts. 20 episodes at about 20 minutes each. Check 'em out!

Coyote Radio .net




LEVEL 3 = I Want You To Love Me

Album Cover of LEVEL 3 by The Hippy Coyote
Album Download
Buy Now = Download Now

Album Cover, Music, Lyrics,
Photography, Poetry, and Narrations by
The Hippy Coyote


Record Label

Shaolin Records  
Album Artist American Zen Classic Romantic Power Pop
Graphic Arts by The Coyote (not photography) CD Cover
CD Inside Booklet (4 pages)
CD Label (4-color)
CD Inlay Tray Card

This photoshoot was a cool house in the Hollywood Hills. Nancy Volrath shot us a couple times. I'm not sure, but she may have also done a magazine shoot on us in concert... In the mid eighties, after Michael J. Fox got on stage with us, a lot of newspapers and magazines started following us around to get a shot of Michael J. Fox again. We talked on the phone a few times. Michael was usually on the set of that TV sitcom, ___________, and called me when they were shooting some scene he wasn't in. This is one of my bands from that period called THE RICH. I was in so many bands that I can't even remember them all. I think John and I were in another band together called THE GLYDERS, and at this time I was in ALYSSA & THE NOMADS, building speaker cabinets for recording studios, and hiring myself out as a bass player whenever possible... Being a working musician is like living in a hurricane of music where you keep looking for a quiet peaceful spot to hear the music inside of you.

Computer Used: iMac G5 iSight
Softward Used: Photoshop CS2 Alterations were done by duplicating the Black and White photo and changing it to purple. then I mixed it back in Quark XPress as a layer.
  Quark 7.1

Still having lots of trouble with Quark. I can make excellent graphics with it, but when I try to print a PDF it creates extra item boxes and colors break up and fonts... sheesh.

I ended up have to start completely over and create graphics that required less Quark manipulation. The American Zen calligraphy graphic would not print this time without creating a box around it. And this is the same logo from the last I just created the album title and band name with a font .

Warning: Do not use the text shadow features in Quark. Don't use the...


LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer

Utah Phase 1 Poetry Book by The Hippy Coyote
Album Download
Buy Now = Download Now

Album Cover, Music, Lyrics,
Photography, Poetry, and Narrations by
The Hippy Coyote


Record Label

Shaolin Records  
Album Artist American Zen Psychedelic Folk Rock
Graphic Arts by The Coyote CD Cover
CD Inside Booklet (4 pages)
CD Label (2-color silkscreen)
CD Inlay Tray Card

This photoshoot was done for the rock opera of mine, "Coyote In A Graveyard." Yep, that's the one. I got my Coyote name performing that with Michael J. Fox.

I was goofing around, as I am prone to do, and tortured this 35mm photo into the wild pink you see here. It probably won't print as brightly as it should.

The solarization technique creates weird artifacts so I touched up the image to look better in this psychedelic reality of mine.

Computer Used: iMac G5 iSight
Softward Used: Photoshop CS2 Alterations were done with the color correction tools normally used to make photos look more normal.
  Quark 7.1

There are more bugs in Quark than Tom's pot plants. What a hastle! Anytime I used many of the new cool features in Quark I had to remove them when I discovered the text box outlines and so I had to make my text shadows using duplicated fonts stacked and staggered.

Warning: Do not use the text shadow features in Quark. Don't use the...


LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind

Utah Phase 1 Poetry Book by The Hippy Coyote

Buy Now = Download Now


Record Label

Shaolin Records  
Album Artist American Zen Folk Rock
Graphic Arts by The Coyote CD Cover
CD Inside Booklet (2 pages)
CD Label (2-color silkscreen)
CD Inlay Tray Card

Ed Animal and I were both photographers for the Los Angeles newspapers before I left for Utah. He shot two concerts of mine. The other was at Club Lingerie with Ian Astbury of The Cult cheering me on, "COY-O-TE!"

The inside shot is from the same concert. I love Black and White photography. I borrowed the negatives from Ed Animal and used his darkroom to print up these photos on 8x10 cloth paper stock.

These photos were retouched by me, long before I ever had a computer. I did it the old-fashioned way with traditional black retouching watercolors.

With my computer, I could have easily removed the hair from my face and the sweat in my armpit -- but I do enjoy the reality of reality.

Computer Used: iMac Blueberry
Softward Used: Photoshop 6 Not much retouching done. The inlay tray card background was created using Photoshop gradients. I had to experiment and reconstruct it everytime I changed the text so that the letters would have backgrounds that worked best.
  Quark 4

I spent more than 6 weeks bouncing graphics back and forth to the printer before I figured this program out.



Any reproduction, publication, further distribution, or public exhibition of materials provided at this site, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
For permission to reprint portions of this site, graphics, poetry, music, or information;
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Shaolin Communications logo by Richard O'Connor 1984.

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